Safety Planning

A safety plan can be helpful in maximizing your safety and the safety of your children, especially during a period of tension or escalated abuse. It is important that your safety plan works for you and your life. There is no "one-size-fits-all" safety plan.
How to Create a Safety Plan
Since you are an expert in your own survival, it is likely you have already been taking steps to keep yourself and your children safe during times of heightened abuse. Your experience of staying safe, combined with helpful tips from service providers, can make a helpful safety plan for stressful and scary times in which making quick decisions may be more difficult.
Below you will find links to trusted sources that offer tips and templates for creating a safety plan. Steps to HOPE also provides support for creating a safety plan. Please call our 24/7 Help Line at 828-894-2340.
Create a personalized Safety Plan by clicking the link below:
National Domestic Violence Hotline's Safety Planning Information