Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Steps to Hope Bulletin Boards displaying information on the prevalence of Teen Dating Violence are displayed in local middle and high schools during the month of February.

February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. It is critical that we take this time to remember that relationship violence is not just a problem for adults. This is an issue that impacts everyone – not just teens – but their parents, teachers, friends and communities as well.  1 in 3 U.S. teens will experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse from someone they’re in a dating relationship with before becoming adults. One-third of teens who are in an abusive relationship never tell anyone. It’s time to shine a light on this issue.

Recognizing unhealthy traits in a relationship can be difficult, especially for teens. There are many tendencies that young people may believe are normal but are actually between unhealthy and abusive.  Extreme jealousy, the wish to control, being disrespectful or isolating their partner are all ways unhealthy partners can manipulate a relationship.

Teens have a right to safe and healthy relationships. You can take part and help someone in an unhealthy or abusive relationship:

·       Believe them and tell them that you do.

·       Listen to what they tell you. Avoid making judgments and giving advice.

·       Take it seriously. If you are concerned about their safety, tell them you are concerned without judgment.

·       Refer them to Steps to Hope, who can provide necessary counseling, emotional support and safety planning.

You can also take the time to educate yourself and others about teen dating violence. The following websites offer information about teen dating violence and what you can do to help:

o   loveisrespect.org  

o   breakthecycle.org

o   joinonelove.org

o   stepstohope.org


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